COST CA19120 Action - WATer isotopeS in the critical zONe: from groundwater recharge to plant transpiration|Name:overview

Representative of Poland in action (awaiting nomination): Przemysław Wachniew

The action is currently in the organisational phase, and its activities are planned for the years 2021-2024.

The main objective of the action is to gather and synthesize interdisciplinary knowledge about water circulation in the critical zone, i.e. the dynamic part of the hydrological cycle in areas from tree crowns to groundwater, using the isotopic composition of water. The activities of the action, which will involve experts in isotope application, stakeholders, representatives of government agencies and private companies from 20 countries, are expected to bring a better understanding of the interactions between groundwater supply, soil water content and plant transpiration in the context of water management under different climatic conditions.